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Press Release: January 9, 2024

Palo Alto, California – Novelna Inc., a proteomics-based liquid biopsy startup, today announced a pioneering development in cancer screening, as detailed in a recent study published in BMJ Oncology. This novel test, utilizing a sex-specific panel of 10 proteins, can detect 18 different early-stage cancers, representing a monumental step forward in the fight against one of the world's most prevalent diseases.

The research, led by a team of scientists at Novelna Inc., underscores the potential for a new generation of cancer screening tests, offering greater accuracy, lower costs, and personalized healthcare.

Key Features of the Novelna Cancer Screening Test:

  1. Sex-Specific Accuracy: By focusing on sex-specific proteins, the test achieves unprecedented sensitivity and specificity, addressing the unique biological differences between men and women in cancer manifestation.

  2. Protein-Based Approach: Unlike traditional genomics markers, this test's reliance on proteins enhances its sensitivity, providing more immediate and accurate detection of various cancers.

  3. Affordability: The method's focus on only 10 key proteins for detection significantly reduces costs. While Multi-Cancer Early Detection (MCED) tests like GRAIL's Galleri can cost close to $1,000, Novelna's test is anticipated to be below $100, making early cancer detection more accessible than ever.

  4. High Sensitivity for Early Stages: With over 80% sensitivity for Stage I and II cancers, where patients are most likely to be asymptomatic, Novelna's test outperforms existing methods, which typically show less than 50% sensitivity for early-stage cancers.

"Our study represents a major leap in cancer screening, combining the precision of protein-based biomarkers with the efficiency of sex-specific analysis," said Dr. Ashkan Afshin, Founder of Novelna Inc. "We're not only looking at a more effective way of detecting cancer early but also at a cost-effective solution that can be implemented on a large scale."

This development could significantly impact public health policies, potentially making this plasma test a standard part of routine medical check-ups. The test's high specificity minimizes the risk of false positives, and its affordability allows for widespread adoption, which could revolutionize cancer screening and save countless lives.

The study, conducted with 440 individuals diagnosed with 18 early-stage solid tumors, utilized cutting-edge Proximity Extension Assay technology to measure protein levels in plasma samples. The use of machine learning approaches further refined the test's accuracy.

 "While further validation in larger population cohorts is necessary, we anticipate that our test will pave the way for more efficient, accurate, and accessible cancer screening," added Dr. Afshin.

Read the full editorial: Multi-cancer early detection tests: a strategy for improvement

For more information about Novelna Inc. and its groundbreaking cancer screening test, please contact us.

Contact Information:

About Novelna Inc.: Novelna Inc., based in Palo Alto, California, is a biotechnology company dedicated to improving public health through innovative diagnostic solutions. With a focus on early disease detection and personalized healthcare, Novelna is committed to advancing medical science and improving patient outcomes.

Novelna Inc. Announces Groundbreaking Cancer Screening Test – A Major Step Toward Early Detection and Personalized Healthcare